Recently, I was invited to be a guest on a podcast hosted by my good friend Joel Chasnoff. He's the host of "Inside Israel with Joel Chasnoff", a witty and no-fluff dive into everything regarding Israel. From the hot news topics to the intricate nuances of daily life here, Joel's podcast is a great listen for everyone.
In this episode, we talk about my time serving in Gaza, about how it all works, and how, as you can see by the title, things get "taken care of".
As always, I'm so appreciative of your support. Feel free to send me a message about your thoughts on articles, questions you have, or ideas for future content!
Here are the links to the episode!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/where-do-idf-soldiers-poo/id1720502170?i=1000681654808